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The refugee crisis: What can we do?

Starts 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM
Fyfe Hall
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The refugee crisis: What can we do?

An evening of discussion, music and inspiration - Thu 24 March
The refugee crisis: What can we do?
We read and see a lot about those seeking refuge from wars in Syria and elsewhere, the crisis in Calais and the dire conditions facing many people. The images and stories are powerful, yet it can be difficult to know how to respond.

Are there ways of coming together as a community to provide support for those most in need?

Trinity is hosting an evening of live music and refreshments, information, talks and discussion about the refugee crisis.

We want to provide a space for individuals and organisations already responding to the crisis to come together and share their experiences, build links and work together on a shared solution.

This will also be a chance for those interested in helping but not knowing where to start to find more from those already working to support those affected by the crisis in Bristol and beyond and meet with like-minded others to discuss the critical issues and a range of responses.

Come and join this free event as we work together to find practical, achievable things we can all do to support refugees.

Groups providing advice/information:
Book your ticket in advance from Eventbrite

Join us after for Global Playground Fundraiser: an evening of live music with Invisible Youth, featuring The Carnivillians.
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