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The Great Sea Choir - Sing for Trinity

Starts 07:00 PM to 09:00 PM
Ticket price
£10 / £6 Concession
Age limit
all ages
Contact name
Rhiannon Jones
Contact number
0117 935 1200
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The Great Sea Choir - Sing for Trinity

Two of Bristol’s finest choirs join forces to raise money for Trinity

"Two of Bristol’s finest choirs join forces to raise money for Trinity, Bristol. This important community hub needs essential repairs and needs help with a shortfall in funding. Join The Great Sea Choir and Bristol Man Chorus for an evening of exquisite a cappella harmony singing".

The Great Sea Choir - The Great Sea Choir are a Bristol-based contemporary a cappella choir, performing at concerts and events across the country, from large scale concerts and festivals to small-scale pop up gigs. The 40 strong choir have built a reputation for their unique and exciting arrangements, transforming folk songs into epic and often complex a cappella harmony soundscapes; from traditional to contemporary, folk pop, their own versions of songs by progressive artists like Kate Bush and Bjork and more. The choir creates a varied and unique set using mixed voices, complex textures and rhythms and chooses repertoire that pushes the boundaries of community singing.

Bristol Man Chorus - No Bow Ties. No Blazers. No Auditions. Just men and song. The mighty Male Voice classics from the valleys of the Land of the Dragon. Insane Georgian/Bulgarian repertoire to make the very stones weepVintage cheese from the Barbershop tradition (tempered with a small pinch of salt) also anthems concerning the wonders of facial hair, garden sheds, reversing round corners, etc.... Not so much a new idea as a distillation of every great 'man-singing' concept' that has ever graced this earth. Rolled into one. In Bristol. By the people who created 'Gurt Lush Choir’.

This is a community organised fundraising event with proceeds from ticket sales donated directly to our fundraising campaign to conserve and protect the Trinity Centre.

Help us secure Trinity's past, present and future


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