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Wages for Digital Labour Day

Starts 11:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Ticket price
FREE - no need to book
Contact name
Deborah Withers
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More Info

Wages for Digital Labour Day

Workshops as part of Emergenc(i)es

Wages for Digital Labour Day

A day of workshops, discussions and performances which explore the proposition: Wages for Digital Labour?

How do we, as everyday users of digital technologies, help to create wealth for large multinational companies?

Should we be paid for our time and labour generating data?

Should we be demanding Wages for Digital Labour?

How are ideas of of privacy, public space and openness changing within the 21st century's data/ information economy?

What is the relationship between the consumption of gadgets and the labour conditions in which they are produced?

Do digital technologies 'compress' or expand our realities?

11.00 - 12.00  Hannah Schling – Electronic Labour in the Czech Republic and China

12.00 - 13.00  Freyja van den Boom – Drone Catchers

13.30 - 15.00  Lídia Pereira / Immaterial Labour Union – Care packages for workers in social media networks

15.30 - 17.00  Dušan Mihajlović (A.K.A. “Dr. Spira”)

‘On the path from NOISE to MUSIC - Lossy Compression – the Evil Core of the Holy Church of Everything Digital’

Part of  Emergenc(i)es  Exhibition, 6th - 17th June: Control and Calculation : Inheriting Liberation : Improvised Publics

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