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Love Difference Festival

28/09/2008 09:00 PM to
29/09/2008 12:55 AM

Love Difference Festival

FREE Festival featuring PPE and Bristol jazz band THE BLESSING

As part of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue, there will be a day­long celebration of Bristol’s diversity, in particular Eastern and Central European cultures, on Sunday 28th September. Free events throughout the day include political, cultural and artistic discussions all afternoon at the City Council House.


This will be followed by a FREE concert at Trinity Centre.


Slovakian band PPE (Puding Pani Elvisovej) play a dizzying mix of indie­power­pop, dancing dangerously on the edge of electro­clash with their noisy punk attitude. Their two albums and handful of Slovak hits don’t tell the full story: this band loves to play live!

The concert will also feature Bristol­based post­jazz rockers The Blessing, who recently won a BBC Jazz award for their debut album All is Yes.
Their sound combines fiendish trumpet and sax improvisation by Pete Judge and Jake McMurchie with trip­hop and rock rhythms from the former rhythm section of Portishead, Clive Deamer (drums) and Jim Barr.

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