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Fight Club

Starts 07:00 PM to 11:00 PM

Fight Club

Pro Kickboxing, MMA and Thai boxing all under one roof



Top class fights lined up for an explosive night of action - for those who remember Trinity's days as a boxing venue, this is one night that's not to be missed


For tickets or information please call WAMA on 07976538497




WAMA (weston academy of martial arts) was set up in 1997 by Weston's Stuart Davies a Kickboxing and Karate Instructor.


The academy offers training in various Martial Arts including Kickboxing, Karate, MMA, Ju-Jitsu, plus Boxing. They provide top training facilities which include a pro-box full-size boxing ring, matted floor, speed balls, pro punch bags and much more.



The academy is also heavily involved in raising money for charity. The club has donated over two thousand pounds in the 2003/4. The charities to benefit have been the NSPCC, British Epilepsy Assosiation and Childrens Hospice south west.




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