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Making Music for Mental Health

Starts 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM
Trinity Centre
Ticket price
Age limit
Contact name
Isla (she/her)
Contact number
Book Tickets

Making Music for Mental Health

Open access music sessions for 16-25's

These weekly sessions will be exploring lots of different ways of making sounds and creating music in a group. This is a space for you to experiment with sounds, express yourself creatively, and connect with others through music. Absolutely no musical experience necessary - instruments will be provided, using our voices and using body percussion, but please feel free to bring instruments along if you want to!

Making Music for Mental Health is a new collaboration between Off the Record and Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra’s (BSO) Young Associates Scheme who believe in the power that music can have to bring people together and positively impact mental health and wellbeing. This project is about expressing yourself creatively, togetherness and community.

Each week the group will be supported by Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra’s Young Associate and freelance musician Lila Bhattacherjee, a small team of musicians from BSO Participate, and support staff from Off the Record and BSO.

Getting involved

If you’re aged 16-25 and this project sounds like it might be for you, please sign up using the link on the left of the page. If you have any questions or anything you’d like to discuss with us before signing up then you can call or text Isla (she/her pronouns) 07539751745.

The BSO’s Young Associates project has been made possible thanks to Terence and Annette O’Rourke, The Julia and Hans Rausing Trust, the 163 generous supporters of the BSO’s Big Give Christmas Challenge 2021, and our Supporting Partner Allianz Musical Insurance.

Sessions will be on the below dates and times at the Trinity Centre on Fridays at 6 pm to 8 pm;

Friday 13th January 2023
Friday 20th January 2023
Friday 27th January 2023
Friday 3rd February 2023
Saturday 11th February 2023 (We will run at a slightly different time on this date – 3-5pm)
Friday 17th February 2023

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