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by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 24/03/2020 07:17 AM

Coronavirus update - 23 March 2020

by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 24/03/2020 07:17 AM
Coronavirus update - 23 March 2020

Prime Minister urges everyone to stay at home to limit the transmission of the coronavirus - 23 March 2020

The Prime Minister has asked people to stay in their homes in a national effort to limit the transmission of the coronavirus (COVID-19).Read the announcement posted on Monday 23 March 2020.

The safety of the people using our Centre is our top priority. We are currently closed for public events and gatherings. However, Trinity is many things to many people. Therefore, we are continuing to liaise with city partners in our role as a comminity space, so the Trinity Centre can form part of a coordinated response to support those most vulnerable. Click here for more information.

Ticket holders

We will communicate via our website and mailing lists regarding all cancellations or postponed events.

Click here for details of each cancelled or postponed event.

If you have any questions regarding tickets, please contact your ticket provider in the first instance.


Please contact your Booking Coordinator about your planned event to discuss either postponing and rescheduling or cancelling your event.

Trinity has been and will continue to closely monitor Public Health England guidelines in relation to the Covid-19 situation, in order to respond as necessary.

Advice for the Community

We would urge individuals follow Public Health England guidance:

Anyone with a fever or persistent cough should stay at home for 14 days. Anyone who lives with someone displaying Coronavirus symptoms should also do this. People who have to isolate themselves should ask others for help. Everyone should stop non-essential contact with others. (16/03/2020)

If you have symptoms of coronavirus infection (COVID-19), however mild, do not leave your home for 7 days from when your symptoms started. (15/03/20)

People with fever or 'continuous' cough are being told to self-isolate. (12/03/20)

People with symptoms are no longer required to call NHS 111, as the system is under strain, but are instead urged to look for information on the NHS website and 111 online, by using the online symptoms checker here.

V6 - 23/03/2020

V5 - 20/03/2020

V4 - 16/03/2020

V3 - 15/03/2020

V2 - 12/03/2020

V1 - 11/03/2020

Past versions

Cafes, pubs and restaurants must close from Friday night, except for take-away food, to tackle coronavirus 20/03/2020

Public Health England people should avoid places like pubs, clubs and theatres. (16/03/2020)

We are advising people not to attend the Centre unless it is essential. (16/02/2020)

We are taking extra steps within the venue including providing hand sanitiser and signage across the site, staff briefings, as well as actively liaising with any identified higher-risk groups and risk assessing specific activities. (15/03/2020)

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