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BC Camplight

Starts 07:00 PM to 11:00 PM
The Trinity Centre
Ticket price
£15 + bf
Age limit
14 + (under 16 must be accompanied by an adult)
Contact number
0117 935 1200
Contact e-mail
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BC Camplight

Maverick indie songsmith

BC Camplight is the moniker of maverick songsmith Brian Christinzio. The Philadelphian turned Mancunian is considered one of indie music’s most forward-thinking artists with a discography which acts as a soundtrack to a life rife with bad fortune, mental illness, running afoul of the law, and ultimately absolute redemption.

Fired by his ongoing battle with mental illness, "Shortly After Takeoff" is the final, and finest, chapter of what Christinzio calls his “Manchester Trilogy” and will be released in Spring 2020 in preparation for his UK tour.

Please note, this is a standing event.


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