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Trinity launches new Youth Music Makers Project

by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 13/08/2013 03:56 PM
Trinity launches new Youth Music Makers Project

New youth music project at the Trinity Centre

Trinity Community Arts has recently been awarded funding from Youth Music to extend our programme of music activities. Through our new Youth Music Makers Project, we will work with young people from challenging circumstances, providing access to music training to develop their confidence, skills and ability to access other services and learning opportunities. The aim of the project is to:

  • embed learning and effective practice in host and partner organisations
  • improve the standards of music delivery for children and young people
  • develop the creative, expressive and musical ability of children and young people
  • improve self-efficacy (i.e. self-esteem, skills, engagement and confidence) and resilience to challenging circumstances

We will work with young people across the academic year, providing open drop-in music sessions in addition to more structured learning through which we will provide Rock School accreditations.

Through our existing training programme, Trinity targets young people aged 16-18 years not in education, employment or training (NEET). Thanks to Youth Music, Trinity will also be able to work with the following groups as part of  the Youth Music Makers Project:

  • Young people under 16 who have been excluded/are at risk of exclusion - we will work with young people who are referred to us who have been temporarily or permanently excluded from school to help them regain focus through music.

  • Young people aged 16-18 who face elevated risk of exclusion - we will work with those who may be struggling in a mainstream learning environment to stay focused and engaged in learning through accessing a music making.

We will also be able to work with a small number of young people over the age of 18 who have been out of the learning or employment for considerable time due and have additional  learning needs.

The project will run between 2012-2014. Keep an eye on the project area of our website for more info. If you are interested in taking part in the project or would like to refer someone, please contact

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