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Beat boxing, drumming and more

by <object object at 0x7f3279989580> last modified 24/10/2018 04:03 PM
Beat boxing, drumming and more

Free Summer Music Making at Trinity

Students gather in Fyfe Hall for a session professional DJ and Foley sound for film (photo @ Alastair Brookes)

Our Summer Music Sessions are an opportunity for young people of all abilities to come to Trinity and try out different accepts of music making. The sessions are delivered over two days, meaning young people have the opportunity to take part in a variety of workshops and sessions.

Young people perform with the in-house band (photo @ Alastair Brookes)

This year we worked in partnership with Access Creative College who delivered workshops in professional DJ and Foley sound for film, while our own in-house team of awesome tutors, Al, Ed, Matt, Oli and Jack, delivered sessions ranging from live performance to Vocal Recording to Beat Making.

"I love music. More time!! Make it longer, thank you!" Participant, Summer Music Session

Our highlights include a beat boxing shows case from professional performer Jack Salt (The Inexplicables, Ushti Baba) and welcoming Charlie Grier from Access Creative Music who shared his DJ’ing skills to the group.

Students had the opportunity to perform with professional musicians (photo @ Alastair Brookes)

"We should have these sessions more regularly for everyone to mix and share ideas" Participant, Summer Music Session

Some brilliant performances from young people – Sam performed his original songs (from his new EP recorded at Trinity), Collins rapped over live beats provided by Charlie from Access Creative Music, Rob playing Djembe drum as part of the live performance backed by Trinity house band
and the final live performance showcase with support from Oli (on the drums) Matt (on the bass) and Charlie on the decks.

Georgia came along for the Summer Sessions and really enjoyed getting involved and trying out the different music making activities (photo @ Alastair Brookes)

Aged 13 - 25 and want to gain new music making skills? Then get in touch with Dave.

Trinity's Summer Music Sessions are delivered as part of Making Tracks, a collaborative project between Basement Studios, ACE and Trinity. Making tracks is funded by Youth Music.

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