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by <object object at 0x7f3279989580> last modified 13/02/2018 03:51 PM

Residents take part in traditional craft workshops

by <object object at 0x7f3279989580> last modified 13/02/2018 03:51 PM
Residents take part in traditional craft workshops

Participants taking part in traditonal craft skills workshops

Photo credits @ Khali Ackford

From tapestry to pews, to the ornate floor and ceiling tiles - woodcarving, clay, textiles and stained glass all highly featured both inside and outside the Holy Trinity Church (now the Trinity Centre) when it opened in 1832. Whilst many of these features are no longer with us, you can still see the remains of the artisan crafted features if you look up in the Fyfe Hall or, walk past the beautiful stained glass windows. As part of our Heart & Soul project, we want to give residents the opportunity to find out more about the heritage of Trinity, through learning the traditional crafts and skills used in building the centre.

“Loved it! Best way to spend a Saturday hands-down. Learning new skills, meeting new people – fab!!”

Our first block of workshops started on Saturday 10 Feb, delivered by stained glass artist Liz Barton, ceramicist Joanna Espiner, textile artist Ruth Ramsey and woodcarver Daniel Bendel. They will be working with participants, across two blocks of workshops, to create collaborative artwork to display across Trinity.

In these initial workshops participants explored Trinity’s features, looking at how the crafts were originally used across the building. Using this as inspiration, participants spent the morning designing their artwork and the afternoon learning the basics of the traditional crafts.

Missed out on these workshops? Our second block of workshops starts in April, sign up here! Please note we have limited spaces and that you will need to complete all sessions (this are not taster workshops).

While you are here, we have a big favour to ask, we need your help.

The Trinity Centre is at risk, and you can help to safeguard it’s future.

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