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by <object object at 0x7f6e149f0580> last modified 10/11/2010 05:00 PM

Last Call For Your Trinity Photos!

by <object object at 0x7f6e149f0580> last modified 10/11/2010 05:00 PM
Last Call For Your Trinity Photos!

Derrick meets Derrick - Local legend DJ Derrick with former Centre Manager Derrick Sterling, 1997

As part of What's Your Trinity Story? we have been collecting your stories, memories and images from the last 50 years at Trinity.

We will soon be compiling a booklet of key stories and images, as well as a photography exhibition that will tour the city in 2011.

You may have parents or grandparents who were married here, have pictures of a gig or club night, worked or volunteered here, or attended a community event - whatever your story, we want to hear from you!

If you have a story or image that you would like to feature in either our booklet or exhibition, please email or pop into the Trinity Office so that we can scan them in for you.

If you miss the deadline, you will still be able to send us your images for inclusion to our Online Archive.

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