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Foyer to adopt new Linux system

by <object object at 0x7fb93c4d2580> last modified 29/08/2024 01:21 PM
Foyer to adopt new Linux system

Bristol Foyer will be working with Trinity to create a new multi-media suite for young people

Trinity is working with Bristol Foyer - a supported housing project for people aged 16-25 - to help re-establish an IT training suite within the facility.

Foyer have welcomed the idea of a Linux training suite, allowing young people to access to multi-media software such as music production and graphics packages.

Up until recently, the Foyer's IT suite had largely utilised licensed software, but the suite was unable to be maintained and had become defunct. The new Linux training suite will offer inexpensive alternatives to licensed packages, allowing for more provision for support and training around the system.

They will be getting an upgraded network, 10 upgraded existing machines a new dual head high-spec media station, staff training and some taster courses for residents.

We hope that this will be the start of a strong partnership for the benefit of young people in our community.

For more information about Bristol Foyer please see:

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