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Trinity calls for participants for new Bridges art project

by <object object at 0x7f385e93b580> last modified 31/05/2012 11:15 AM
Trinity calls for participants for new Bridges art project

Come and take part in community arts workshops


As stories are something that inspire, define and unite us all, Trinity Community Arts are inviting people of Bristol to step up and offer their story for an exciting new project that will span the whole city. The Arts Council funded Bridges Project will get going with a series of arts workshops for people of all ages at the Trinity Centre, which will later feed in to an innovative and ambitious performance trail across Bristol in 2013.

The workshops will offer people the chance to explore their story in a whole new way. Trinity are commissioning an impressive array of professional artists, who inspired by the stories will work with people in mediums such as art, dance, music, poetry and writing, to create original performance and artwork.

Edson Burton, Project Outreach Worker, said: “The aim of the Bridges Project is to bring people together to produce original artworks based on their life stories and experiences. This is a great opportunity for people - both artists and novices - to get together, share stories, meet new friends and have their work shown as part of a professional arts exhibition.”

“Workshops are open to everyone and we would particularly like to work with people who may not usually get involved with an arts activity - older people, young people, old and new communities – we want everyone to get involved - as everyone has a story to tell.”

Workshops will be held between June-August 2012 and all work will be displayed in an exhibition in September 2012. The work and stories will also be adapted as part of a final theatre performance due to happen in Spring 2013.


In addition to the workshops Trinity are seeking people who simply have a story to tell.  We are looking for stories exploring the theme 'Bridges' in a literal or metaphorical sense.

Nick Young, Artistic Director for the project explains: “The stories could be about a journey from one place to another, about bridging communities and cultures, or a turning point in someone's life. Stories can be fun, light, dark, magical or real - we will weave together different stories to create the plot for the final show next year which will use the city of Bristol as the stage.”

Stories shared should be no more than one side of A4 paper in length and story tellers can choose to remain anonymous.

How to get involved

To register your interest in the project workshops or share your story, contact Edson or Nick 0117 9351200 or drop into the Trinity Office.

Workshops cost £30 to take part in the full programme. Workshops are free for participants who qualify for concessions (young people 18 and under, unemployed people, people on benefits, older people +65). We welcome inquiries from community groups as well as individuals. Unless otherwise specified workshops will be held at Trinity.

About the Project

The Bridges Project is our latest community arts project, funded by the Arts Council - A programme of accessible arts workshops using spoken word, creative writing, performing and visual arts, to draw out personal stories of local people. We will use the arts to build bridges between communities and celebrate the rich cultural diversity of inner-city Bristol.A

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ALL WELCOME to participate!

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