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by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 12/09/2022 01:06 PM

Bridges Project round-up

by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 12/09/2022 01:06 PM
Bridges Project round-up

The Bridges Project culminated in the citywide site-specific performance 'The Ithaca Axis'

The Bridges project was a great success - we produced two new commissions and had an audience of 774 across our events and show. We ran 67 activity sessions involving 238 participants, with 120 of these being 18 or under. 97 artists and actors were involved in the project, representing a total of 392 days of employment for artists. For more info about the project check out the Bridges Project Report.

The success of the project owes much to the tenacity and resourcefulness of all involved. This was a project that was in many aspects much bolder than had been budgeted for, and in excess of the available capacity. Effective management by TCA ensured that these deficiencies did not diminish the quality of the artistic experience.

Overall the project was successful in terms of participant numbers, audience numbers and profile and TCA hopes to build upon this for future community arts projects and big thanks have to be made to Edson Burton and Nick Young for delivering such an inspiring and aspirational project.

We've submitted an application to HLF for 'Vice & Virtue: Old Market Heritage Project' so bring on the next big challenge! Thanks again to everyone involved for making the project a success.

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