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Young people get musical

by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 21/11/2014 03:08 PM
Young people get musical

Young people can make music and perform in one of Bristol's most-loved live-music venues

“I've gained a Rockschool certificate...coming here has helped me decide what I wanted to do for college and so I am now attending DBS college where I study DJing and production” Rob, 19

The training team recently went in to guest on Paulette North's Ujima radio show to celebrate the success of two recent graduates of the Trinity music course who have since gone on to secure long term work experience positions at the station and can confidently report they are doing a fine job co-presenting and engineering. Congratulations Ny and Reeks.

We have plans to develop professional an exciting new programme of activities for young people in 2015. We are working to raise funds to continue delivery of our Music-Makers accredited training and drop-in sessions (Rockschool and Arts Award).

We also aim to introduce new Music-Labs and Master-Classes, delivered by project partners and guest musicians and a new Industry Music project strand. This will include Live-Learning and Industry-Learning, linking with music professionals to provide industry taster days, shadowing, mentoring and internships within a music industry setting.

Young people learning music at Trinity are able to work towards a Rock School Music Practitioner accreditation. They also get the chance to gain exclusive 'backstage' access, where they get to see first-hand the inner-workings of the live-music industry and meet artists and professionals during event set-up of live-events. As one of Bristol's most legendary music venues, this is a unique learning experience to inspire the next generation of musicians.

"Tutors Al and Dave and students Ny and Reekes came along to my show - the two young people were full of praise for the Trinity Centre . In their own words they several times repeated 'Big up the Trinity Centre!' They talked about how their lives were turned around because of the course they did on music with Al and Dave. I was in no doubt that the Trinity Centre is an amazing place, but it is wonderful to hear our young people say it."
Trustee, UjimaFM presenter and local activist Paulette North

If you are a young person wanting to make music, or you know someone who wants to get creative, get in touch with our training team via


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