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by <object object at 0x7fb93c4d2580> last modified 02/11/2022 12:37 PM

Summer Music Sessions at Trinity

by <object object at 0x7fb93c4d2580> last modified 02/11/2022 12:37 PM
Summer Music Sessions at Trinity

Summer sessions in August at Trinity

Trinity Summer Music Sessions

Free workshops, performance and fun for young people in Bristol Weds 15th & Thurs 16th Aug, 11am-3pm

* Music Production

* Song & Lyric Writing

* Drum & Vocal Tuition

* Junk Percussion

* Beat Boxing

* ATM music college DJing & Film Sound FX masterclass

Thursday afternoon (1pm - 3pm) will be dedicated to a series of live performances.

All abilities welcome. Limited space. Email: or call: 0117 935 1200 or pop in to reception to book your space now!

Keisha Thompson teaching a youth music participant vocal looping @Khali Ackford

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