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Post-Easter course start dates

by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 18/04/2012 04:19 PM
Post-Easter course start dates

Come along to Trinity and get involved in our Music, Photography or Graffiti courses

We deliver a range of accredited creative learning courses in the arts for young people aged between 16-18 not currently in education, employment or training.

We accompany this with support and guidance from our youth worker, Jake Mensah, to help young people identify routes for progression, overcome any obstacles and move on to other learning or employment opportunities.

We target resources to our immediate locality of Easton, Ashley and Lawrence Hill and we welcome self referrals as well as referrals from youth agencies across the city.

As part of our courses, we have expanded qualification options to include Creative Media Development and during the autumn we introduced the Rock School Music Practitioner qualification. We also continue to offer functional skills in Maths, ICT and English at Entry Level.

To find out more, visit the Training area of our website, contact or contact the Trinity Office on 0117 935 1200

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