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by <object object at 0x7fb93c4d2580> last modified 20/05/2014 04:39 PM

Our BIG Gig

by <object object at 0x7fb93c4d2580> last modified 20/05/2014 04:39 PM
Our BIG Gig

Our Big Gig 2014 - celebrating emerging young talent

We are currently seeking a little support for our next FREE community event coming up Sunday 13 July from 2pm in the Garden. As part of this year's Our Big Gig Trinity will be hosting an afternoon of fun and celebration for all the family.

We're providing an afternoon of free music and entertainment featuring some of the best of Bristol's up and coming young performers and emerging talent from our local community. We're also offering
workshops, taster sessions and activities for all ages, as well as food stalls and refreshments - fun for all the family!

We are looking for a range of young performers to take part - if you would like to get involved to or to help out on the day please get in touch! / 0117 935 1200

In 2013 Our Big Gig hosted over 336 events last year, with over 200,00 attending across the UK. Our Big Gig 2014 at Trinity will provide a platform for young performers based here at our Youth Music Makers project as well as project opportunity for performers from across the city to come together on World Cup final day to celebrate and stage their talents.

We need you!

To make this happen we need to YOU to pledge your support - click here to make a donation today and make this project a reality! Thankyou!

Watch our promo video here...

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