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Dance Connect call out

by <object object at 0x7fb93c4d2580> last modified 16/02/2021 12:03 PM

Lady Like Ella Mesma

Lady Like by Ella Mesma, programmed as part of IGNiTE at Trinity.  Photo @Jessica Bartolini

Bristol Dance Futures are offering £8,000 for four Dance Connect Artist residencies. The residencies will see artists work in collaboration with Bristol based organisations, with the aim to see how dance practise could enrich a working environment and to exchange learning.

Dance Connect is an initiative by Bristol Dance Futures and aims to nurture talent, provide continuing professional development opportunities for dancers, and create a vibrant dance ecology so people of all ages can engage with high quality dance.

The Dance Connect initiative will embed four dance artists in Bristol’s arts, cultural and community organisations for 40 days, over a period of up to 11 months from November 2020

To apply now* please complete the Full Partnership Application form addressing the aims and the assessment criteria below.

(*Please note applications will only be accepted from those who have completed an Expression of Interest form. You can also download the Full Partnership Application form as a PDF here and the Guidelines and Assessment criteria here)

For more info please contact Deborah Baddoo -

Dance Connect Aims:

  • Raise the profile of dance within individual organisations and more broadly within the cultural sector
  • Embed the value of dance and the contribution dance artists can make within and across organisations - strengthen Bristol’s dance ecology and lever more support for dance
  • Better equip organisations to work with dance artists
  • Create opportunities for critical dialogue between organisations, dance artists and audiences
  • Provide opportunities to test, grow and change the practice of individual dance artists, people working within organisations and the wider sector
  • Create models of working which can be sustained beyond the period of this initiative


Criteria for Assessment:

  • Experience in working within their chosen field of activity
  • Imaginative and ambitious nature of the application
  • Specificity of ideas
  • Potential for impact of the residency
  • What difference the residency will make to the artists' and organisations' practice
  • Potential for legacy after the residency has ended
  • Ideas on how they might share the impact of the Dance Connect residency


Full Partnership Application deadline 5pm 13th November 2020

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