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Opening of the new play area

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Opening of the new play area

Lord Mayor Faruk Choudhury launching our new play area

The Trinity Centre were pleased to welcome Lord Mayor Faruk Choudhury yesterday to launch a new open-access play area in the Trinity Gardens.

Funded by The Veolia Environmental Trust the aim of the project was to create a new space for children and young people in the local area, where current play provision is limited.

The play area was designed and built by The Green Play Project who specialise in uniquely exciting playscapes inspired by nature, built to promote creative and interactive play.

Children on the day commented that the new space was "amazing!" and "really fun" and parents also commented how great it was to have something like this in the area. Paul Taylor, Executive Director of the Veolia Environmental Trust joined us on the day and was able to see first hand the benefits of such a resource for the local community. The Lord Mayor spoke of how great it was to have such a facility for the communities of inner-city Bristol and visiting officers from the Avon & Somerset Constabulary also expressed their thanks to the Veolia Trust for investing in the area.

The project was also supported with a grant from the Easton and Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Partnership.

The play area is open every day and we welcome families to bring their children to come and play in the new space as well as to enjoy the surrounding community garden. There is also a wider programme of capital works taking place, funded by The Big Lottery Fund, which will help to further improve the facilities for the community. Read more about it here.

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