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by sarah — last modified 01/11/2022 12:22 PM

Creative Community Play

by sarah — last modified 01/11/2022 12:22 PM

Creative Community Play - Photo Credit: Sam Prosser

Creative Community Play was a 12-week pilot project that targeted parents and carers of babies and toddlers born in, or significantly impacted by, the isolation caused by Lockdown. The project was created in partnership between Trinity, creativeShift and Central Bristol Children’s Centres as part of a city-wide initiative connecting partners working in arts and health.

“I've had a chance to really connect with my child in a way that I don’t think I really had before and I wanted to before he went to school […] I feel a lot more connected to him and more calm”. Participant Feedback

Central Bristol Children’s Centre identified nine families with children aged from four months to four years who would benefit from taking part. All participants lived in Trinity’s locality with many families living in high-rise flats with little or no access to green spaces.

CreativeShift director, visual artist Barbara Disney and puppeteer and artist Araceli Cabrera Caceres looked at how to use natural objects, crafts and outdoor spaces to support connections between parent/career and children as well as with one another.

As part of the pilot participants watched a puppet show performed by Araceli Cabrera Caceres. For many this was their first experience of live performance.

Participants fed back that this has been the first time they had “really got to know [their] child” and others commented how the sessions really helped improve their wellbeing through connected with each other “there’s something very special about integrating that positive experience from my wellbeing with a positive  experience for his wellbeing. I feel like that has been really holistic and I really  appreciate that”.

During the sessions community health workers were also on hand to offer guidance for families or to signpost to other services.

Due to the success of the pilot project, we have secured funding for further sessions. These will be running from until March 2023. Referrals to Creative Community Play are via Central Bristol Children’s Centres. If you would like to find out how to take part please visit their website.


This project is part of Thriving Communities

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