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by <object object at 0x7f385e93b580> last modified 24/10/2017 03:22 PM

Vote for the Trinity Garden to win the Aviva Community Fund

by <object object at 0x7f385e93b580> last modified 24/10/2017 03:22 PM
Vote for the Trinity Garden to win the Aviva Community Fund

Our regular activities include open access volunteer days and sessions for children and families

Trinity would like to make our community garden accessible to all users, so we've entered the Community Garden into the Aviva Community Fund, to win up to £25k!

“20 out of 20! I get to do really fun stuff and free time! I love getting muddy. I like harvesting and picking stuff in the garden”
Danny, 7yrs

At present, people in wheelchairs and those with mobility issues struggle to use our garden or take part in gardening activities.

Funding from Aviva will mean we will be able to install wheelchair accessible raised planters and potting tables, an accessible compost toilet, pathways around the garden beds and a water-pipe to make regular tasks such as watering easier for everyone.

These improvements will mean everyone will have the chance to come along, take part in activities, learn how to grow vegetables, enjoy the outdoors, meet new people and share food together – reducing isolation and improving health and well-being.

Over 600 people take part in gardening activities every year at Trinity, in addition to thousands of others who come for a visit, as part of other events or just to enjoy the space.

To vote visit Aviva's website and click on the register and log in link to get your 10 votes - you can cast them all for our project, or spread your support across multiple projects, like:

Up Our Street - for their neighbourhood Thank You Awards

St Werburghs City Farm - for farm project materials

Pride Bristol - to increase community engagement

Voting is free but you do have to register with your email address and complete a few details.

Please time a couple of minutes to vote and share across social media so that we can get as many votes as possible and make the garden accessible for all.

Click here to vote for the Trinity Community Garden!

Read more about the garden project here.

Voting closes 21 November.

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