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by sarah — last modified 05/10/2020 12:47 PM

Playing and Exploring in the Garden

by sarah — last modified 05/10/2020 12:47 PM
Playing and Exploring in the Garden

Trinity Community Arts' Family Garden


Over the summer we welcomed local families back to our community garden.

Working in partnership with St Pauls Children Centre and Up Our Street, we invited local family 'bubbles' to take part in nature sessions aimed at learning, play and exploration.

In total, 45 people, aged 0–80, took part in activities that included sensory scavenger hunts, bug hunts and potting up fresh flowers. Trinity’s Associate Artist, Roxana Vilk, led lullaby workshops around a campfire whilst the children learnt how to whittle and toast marshmallows.

“We live on the 7th floor in our flat. I was scared to come as I don’t like bees but I love it here now, I can’t wait to come back!” Abdir, age 7

During lockdown, the garden team, with help from a small team of wonderful volunteers, created and distributed activity packs to local schools. With additional funding from Children In Need we were able to pack and send out an extra 121 ‘Nature To Your Door’ activity packs to our surrounding schools and community organisations; including working in partnership with organisations such as St Pauls Adventure, May Park Primary and Rosemary Nursery.

Our Summer Family Garden Days were made possible through funding from Children in Need.

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