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by sarah — last modified 01/04/2021 01:30 PM

Spring 2021 in the Garden

by sarah — last modified 01/04/2021 01:30 PM
Spring 2021 in the Garden

Trinity Community Garden

Trinity Community Garden

It is that time of year! Spring has sprung, bulbs in the garden are popping up with bursts of new life, buds are on the apple trees - the community garden is springing into action.

Over the bank holiday weekend - come and see artist Amy-May-Ellis, who is collecting all our hopes and dreams as part of a community art installation, Mobilise (part of What I Want to Be What I Want to See). Take part by dropping by between 11am - 3pm Sat & Sun, social distancing rules apply

“I've really enjoyed coming here, it’s helped me enjoy life more. I stay at home a lot but I've been welcomed here. I’ve learnt about using herbs to drink as teas, nature and how to cook the food from the garden. I didn’t know many things about this before. I’ve really enjoyed it. Thanks so much!” Nabil, Garden participant

Family Garden Sessions will start again in the Easter Holidays, delivered in partnership with Eastside Community Trust. These sessions are an opportunity for families and children to gather and use fresh seasonal produce to create meals, take part in springtime gardening and, explore the garden through nature games. Weekly Forest School Clubs will be starting back up in the spring term with local schools including Hannah More and St Nicholas of Toletine primary.

#GetInvolved in the fortnightly Garden Volunteer Sessions 10-2pm. The sessions are welcome to any one 18+ with an interest in gardening, no experience necessary - just a willingness to take part in gardening. If you are interested in volunteering fill out this online form and one of the team will get back to you.

The garden has undergone a transformation - works have included new wheel chair friendly entrance, pathways and raised beds to make the garden a more accessible and engaging space for communities to enjoy. The old compost toilet will be removed to make way for an accessible tool shed.

A sensory trail has been planted around the around and include aromatic, medicinal, tactile, colourful and pollinator plants – making the garden a the perfect space for school groups, families and community groups to explore, have fun - and even some time to sit back and to relax! Alongside the trail artist Rosanna Morris wooden relief print display boards will highlight some of the native plants that grow in the garden.

More activity is planned throughout the year – if you want to get up-to-date sign up to our mailing list.

The Easter Holiday sessions have been supported through the Holiday Fund, a Bristol City Council initiative in partnership the Children's Scrapstore and Fairshare.

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