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by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 26/05/2015 08:55 AM

TCA, May 2012

After 3 years of running volunteer drop-ins The Trinity Community Garden is now running an inclusive programme of workshops that will respond to the needs of our diverse communities. We believe the project will have a positive focus creating a sense of well-being, achievement and cohesion in the community.

The Big Lottery Fund distributes half of the National Lottery good cause funding across the UK. The support for the this project comes from the Awards for All programme which aims to enable others to make real improvements to communities and the lives of people most in need.

The award received will allow us to deliver a series of weekly organic gardening and cooking sessions, providing a safe controlled space where a variety of local groups will gain hands-on experience in the garden. The workshops will include: cooking a variety of dishes from the veg growing in a simple outdoor kitchen (to be built); learn about the benefits of wild plants and herbal first aid; seed sowing and saving; companion planting; how to tend and care for fruit and vegetables; crop rotation and soil fertility.

Participants will include women from minority ethnic communities (BME) who have experienced domestic violence and people who are affected by mental health issues. Groups of participants will include Awaz Utaoh Asian's Women group, Wild Goose, Rethink & Terrence Higgins service users.

We have been collecting feedback from some of these groups regarding the need for the project and RETHINK said: “there has been a clear need displayed by our clients for an outdoor gardening group that focuses on developing skills, widening social networks and encouragement towards volunteer opportunities”. It's Awaz Utaoh's opinion that gardens bring different cultures and generations together, improving individual and community confidence, bridging the divide between ethnic, political and socio-economic groups. Terrance Higgings Trust said that "it's important for HIV positive people to have a healthy diet; this project will benefit their health and social outlook".

Workshops will be held between May-November 2012. When the project is over, the participants will be confident enough to take ownership of the space and make it a welcoming place for the local community.

Sustainable building

In addition to the gardening workshops Trinity are seeking people interested in sustainable building to initiate the outdoor kitchen that will complement this project.

The building of the outdoor kitchen will run as separate workshops, 3 days a week for 6 weeks. We have selected an experienced workshop leader to run this workshops who has successfully run similar projects in other areas. These sessions will provide open, drop-in access for the wider community and will be appropriate for all levels, with the aim of encouraging people to become more active in their community.

How to get involved

To register your interest in the project or sustainable building workshops, contact Charlie or Pete 0117 9351200 or join the volunteer drop-in days on Wednesdays from 12pm to 5pm, May to November 2012.

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