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by sarah — last modified 18/02/2022 02:08 PM

Cultural democracy project

by sarah — last modified 18/02/2022 02:08 PM

Hannah Moore Primary School

Children from Hannah Moore Primary at a Forest School Session, children from the school will be taking part in the project

Trinity has teamed up with arts organisation Take A Part to deliver a community arts research project with local school children and their parents/carers.

Take A Part work collaboratively with communities using creativity as a catalyst for change, aiming to re-balance social injustices and models of collective action. In this project, made possible through the Cultural Recovery Fund, they are looking at ways to increase and understand 'cultural democracy'.

The project was developed in late 2021 and runs until Apr 2022. Take a Part are currently delivering creative activities and workshops in which children/carers are exploring what culture they enjoy and what issues matter to them. Alongside this, they will be going on group trips to visit organisations such as Spike Island and The Bristol Museum, meeting staff and volunteers and having an opportunity to ask questions and see behind the scenes of some of the biggest cultural venues in the city.

The project also aims to evidence the ways in which engaging in culture can support more families at the school, who have been separated by Covid19, to reconnect and build new relationships with one another.

The project will culminate in a public exhibition at Trinity on 21 April that will be curated and designed by the children. In this children will be supported to be both artist and curator and to show their work, findings and thoughts to the community.

We will be sharing photos and updates of the projects on our socials throughout the project. Keep an eye out here.

Here for Culture

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