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by <object object at 0x7f3279989580> last modified 16/09/2024 02:18 PM

Here are some of the regular words Trinity uses to describe our work and activities and what they mean to us

Creativity is the process by which we or others make or present something; a work of art, a song or a show, for example

Culture is the result of that creative process and how we meet that in our everyday lives; that could be in museum, theatres or gallery, at a carnival or music venue, or even in our homes and online spaces​

An Associate is an Artist collective or grassroots group we work with and support in order to further our charity mission and values​

An Artist is anyone developing their professional or emerging career in the arts​

An Artist Rider the Principles, Criteria and Contract is how we communicate to Artists about the work we want to resource​, how and why

Our People is anyone who we work for/with e.g. audiences, participants, communities and target groups​ such as children and young people

People-led means participatory, taking part, made by and with; can also be Citizen-led​

Citizen means a person who lives and/or work in a town or city

Civic is a value that relates to a particular place or community​

Art is/are the things that are made, created and experienced (the outputs​ of our Creativity and Culture)

Combined-Arts (or Multidisciplinary-Arts) means all different types of art. Trinity's focus areas are: Music (genres that align with our Centre's heritage); Spoken Word; Performing Arts (Theatre & Dance)​

Heritage is the shared stories we have about our past and who we are​

Programme is the things that we host or deliver; this could be an event, workshop, performance or digital/online art experience​

Programming is the process by which we make choices about the Programme​

Our Communities are those who use/live around our Centre; this could be a community of interest, target group or neighbourhood (usually within a 1m radius of our Centre)​

Neighbourhood when we say 'our neighbourhood' this usually means the immdiate locality around the Trinity Centre - between a 1m (e.g. St Judes, Newtown, Stapleton Road, Old Market) to 3m (Easton, Lawrence Hill, Redfield, St Paul's)​

Participatory things that are made with ordinary people who may not consider themselves as artists taking part​

Project a distinct, time specific, finite activity​, possibly funded by a grant or sponsor

Outputs the things delivered or created that can be experienced or measured​

Outcomes what People get out of taking part/experiencing the Outputs and how we know it matters to them

If you'd like us to explain what we mean by what we say, please get in touch.

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