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by <object object at 0x7f3279989580> last modified 27/12/2018 10:06 AM

Trinity objects to new apartments

by <object object at 0x7f3279989580> last modified 27/12/2018 10:06 AM
Trinity objects to new apartments

Trniity Centre has been a music venue since the 1970's

Trinity has submitted an objection to a proposal to develop 12 new apartments at 90 West Street, Old Market.

Our objection relates to the absence of community consultation in relation to the proposals and that the Noise Impact Statement makes no reference to the development’s proximity to Trinity.

We understand there is a critical need to build new homes in the city and welcome conversations with developers wishing to invest in the area around us. Conversations with existing businesses are a standard part of any planning process and help to inform plans, limit the number of objections to any project and give developments the best chance of success.

We believe people not only need places to live, but also spaces to come together, socialise and celebrate. A development less than 200 yards from an existing live music venue - which has not taken any action to mitigate against noise impact on new tenants - must be challenged.

Trinity is member of newly formed Bristol@Night Board which has been set up to respond to issues affecting the city’s nightlife. We will be working with this board - which also involves Save Bristol Nightlife - in the new year, to ensure as a city we continue to support and protect what makes Bristol a great place to live, work and visit.

If you would like to make your own objection to the proposed development, please visit Bristol’s Planning Portal and make your own objections, or cut and paste the following:

I would like to object to the recently resubmitted planning application reference 18/06186/F (previous reference: 17/04953/F) for the following reason:-

Insufficient Mitigation of Noise for New Dwellings (Agent of Change principle)

The Noise Impact Statement is from Nov 2016 and there have been no revisions of this report since this application was last submitted. The report makes no reference to the fact that the development will be right next to an existing live music venue (est. 1976).

Therefore, no mitigating actions have been taken in relation to its proximity to the Trinity Centre and there is no acknowledgement or awareness of the proposed Agent of Change Principle.

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