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by sarah — last modified 02/11/2023 04:30 PM

Nature Play

by sarah — last modified 02/11/2023 04:30 PM

nature Play KoLAB Studios

Nature Play Sessions. Photo credit: Alastair Brookes, KoLAB Studio

As part of our children and young people's programme we are providing free after school provision for children who attend local primary schools. Children who attend are aged 8yrs-11yrs and many have limited access to any green space at home. In our first term 22 children have taken part.

‘I loved it, every bit of it.’ Feedback, Nature Play

The sessions are facilitated by our Nature Play team which include qualified Forest School teachers and playworkers. During the sessions children connect with nature and share their ideas to help shape activities. Each week when the children come they start the sessions climbing one of our apple trees to collect an apple! Other activities include painting pumpkins, digging and planting, identifying animals and listening in nature.

Children also have the opportunity to learn more about the natural world, from learning about seasons, to understanding sustainability. They also learn more about the community they live in. Nature Play enables  children to meet together and to create and form relationships with peers, outside of school.

If you are a parent/carer of a primary aged child (8yrs-11yrs) who would like to attend Nature Play click here to find out more and sign up.

Nature Play is held on Monday's during term time and is made possible due to funding from Quartet Community Foundation, WESport and Bristol City Council.

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