Bridges Short Story Results The Bridges Project short story competition was a huge success - read more about the competition and winning entries here
Roof Repair Project commences A project is under way to repair the south aisle roof of the Trinity Centre
Donate today Support Trinity with a donation and help us to provide services and activities for the local community
Big Lottery grant for Trinity building works Trinity Community Arts has secured a grant from the Big Lottery Fund to carry out improvements to the Trinity Centre
Trinity is VISIBLE Trinity has been awarded the VISIBLE accreditation certificate by Community Matters, the National Association of Community Organisations
New Creative Media Project for Young People Trinity Community Arts are proud to announce a new partnership with KTS, with whom they will be delivering a brand new course aimed at those with an interest in music or film-making
Buckcherry Live Review "Talented, energetic and full of attitude" Buckcherry had the building rocking on a cold Monday night here at Trinity
Caravan Palace – Live Review Boomtown Fair presented a fun filled night of class entertainment here at the Trinity Centre
Bridges Project so far... Bridges is a community arts project, working with the community and professional artists to develop works around the theme 'Bridges'
Letter from 1899 reveals early development plans An undated letter has been found (circa 1899) from the Holy Trinity Vicarage requesting to put an extension onto the Holy Trinity Church
Pieminister Christmas Parties at Trinity! New for 2012 - Pieminister will be doing a fantastic Christmas party pop-up experience during the Christmas season at Trinity Centre
Bridges Project Exhibition Trinity invite you to BRIDGES 7-day exhibition - The opening launch event will feature live creative performances by participants of workshops
Bar Refurbishment and Christmas Parties Trinity are pleased to announce that we have replaced our old bar with a new larger bar, fabricated from reclaimed wood and stainless steel finish
Trinity Centre Development Plans TCA recently ran a consultation exercise for people to have their say about the on-going development of the Trinity Centre and its activities
News gigs announced! Latest confirmations include Buckcherry, The Jim Jones Revue, Kristina Train and Dirty Three
Shout out for Youth Club Volunteers We are currently looking for a couple of keen volunteers to get involved with our weekly youth club
New mural for Trinity's garden Created in between the showers during our recent Faux Glasto event, Trinity's garden has new brand new mural by Mr.Riks
Youth Music Makers taster sessions Trinity announces two taster sessions and timetable for Youth Music project
Now recruiting for our FREE 6 week training courses Courses are available for 16 – 19yr olds not in education, employment or training - come along to one of our induction days to find out more!