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by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 11/03/2025 01:59 PM

Capture our Region: Content Callout

by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 11/03/2025 01:59 PM

Radix Big Tent compilation 2022

Do you have images that showcase Bristol’s vibrant creative sector, or challenge common perceptions of our city? Have you captured a short video that highlights the wonderful heritage of Bath & North East Somerset, or that sees the area through fresh eyes? Do you have visuals that celebrate what makes South Gloucestershire a great place to be, or reveals hidden aspects of North Somerset that go unnoticed?

If yes, we want to hear from you!

As part of the Citizens’ for Culture, we are inviting artists, cultural institutions and individual makers, to contribute existing photos and video clips captured over the last year to form part of a public campaign leading up to a Citizens' Assembly for Culture in September 2025.

We’re looking for content you already have that reflects the unique cultural identity of the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) regions - Bristol, Bath & North East Somerset, South Gloucestershire - and North Somerset.

We are particularly interested in content that captures both perceptions and realities of the region, highlighting what makes each area’s cultural identity unique. Submissions should either align with or challenge key demographic and cultural characteristics, represent regional identity through diverse community perspectives, and/oror explore the contrasts between how the region is seen and its lived reality.


This callout is for existing content that aligns with our themes and is not an artist commission. Our Oversight Panel will review submissions and select content for use as part of the Citizens for Culture campaign.

Selected content will be used on our website and social media, as part of Assembly invitations and across printed promotional materials.


All selected images will be paid at a rate of £50 for use as part of the campaign. Selected video clips will be paid at a rate of £75.

Submission guidelines

  • If files are too large for email, please use WeTransfer

  • Images must be high resolution 300 DPI minimum JPEG (JPG), or TIFF.

  • Videos clips must be MP4 or MOV; Length: 30 sec - 1min (clips may be edited to fit the final campaign film); Orientation: Landscape; Quality: High-resolution, uncompressed preferred (for large screen projection)

  • Send files to

  • Include a brief description of your content for context

Deadline for submissions: 1 March 2025

About: Citizens for Culture is an initiative by St Pauls Carnival CIC, Trinity Community Arts, Citizens in Power, and the West of England Combined Authority, supported by funding from Arts Council England, Paul Hamlyn Foundation, and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (UK Branch).

Disclaimer: By submitting your images or videos, you confirm that you hold the rights to the content and have permission from any identifiable individuals featured. Citizens for Culture reserves the right to use selected submissions for campaign and promotional purposes.

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