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Levy supports summer centre improvements

by <object object at 0x7f6e149f0580> last modified 30/09/2024 10:45 AM


New water refill stations across the venue thanks to the ticket levy and One Stop grant

At the Trinity Centre, we’re constantly striving to enhance our space, ensuring it remains accessible, inclusive, and sustainable for all. This year, we’ve undertaken several crucial capital works aimed at modernising the venue, thanks in part to your support through our ticket levy.

What's the levy for?

The ticket levy is a fee applied to all event tickets, intended to fund essential improvements to the building. These funds help us match contributions from sponsors and grant funders, allowing us to undertake mid-scale capital projects to enhance the venue for all users.

The levy is just one of the many ways we raise vital funds to maintain and improve the centre, ensuring it remains a hub for creativity and culture for communities of East Bristol and beyond.

Works so far

In 2024 we have already made significant strides to upgrade and enhance the venue to ensure it remains a vibrant, accessible and sustainable space for all who use it.

One of our key achievements has been the installation of water refill stations throughout the building and its gardens, made possible with additional match grant support from One Stop. This initiative is part of our commitment to sustainability, encouraging visitors to reduce their reliance on single-use plastics by carrying refillable water bottles. Not only does this reduce waste, but it also promotes healthier hydration habits for everyone who steps through our doors.

In addition to the water refill stations, we have upgraded our boiler system, ensuring a more energy-efficient way of heating the building. This improvement brings us a step closer to reducing our overall carbon footprint, in line with our sustainability goals. We have also carried out essential upgrades to our fire alarm systems, in addition to our general repairs and maintenance of the venue carried out each year.

What's next?

We're in the process of modernising our lift, which was originally installed in 2007. As a key part of our mission to ensure accessibility, this upgrade is vital to maintaining the reliability of the lift, which benefits an est 2,000 people with mobility needs who use the centre annually. The modernisation involves replacing outdated electrical components with modern, locally manufactured parts, reducing the frequent faults that have recently caused disruptions to various activities.

Looking further ahead, we are seeking to raise funds to impliment plans to deliver other mid-scale renovation projects to be supported by the ticket levy and match funds include:

Main hall upgrades; commissioning new technical lighting array to enhance the quality of performances and events held at the centre and carrying out improvements to internal doors to further improve fire and sound compartmentalisation.

Creation of a new multi-use meeting/dressing room; transforming our downstairs office, including roof repairs and internal works to provide a more flexible, multi-use space for staff and visitors alike, including providing additional back-stage space for artists and performers, upgrading the furnishings and fittings to create a more functional and versatile environment.

New garden eco-unit; replacement of the old outdoor mud-hut kitchen, built in 2012 thanks to an Awards for All grant, with a new unit to support the delivery of our children's nature play and wider learning and well-being activities.

Emma Harvey, CEO of Trinity, said:

"Trinity was built almost 200 years ago, and those who designed it could never have imagined the incredible variety of ways the space is used today. As proud guardians of this fantastic building, our work to maintain and modernise it for contemporary use is a continual effort.

"By contributing through the ticket levy, our audiences enable us to carry out much-needed upgrades while preserving the unique character and authenticity of the building. This support is crucial in demonstrating the match funds needed to secure wider grant funding and sponsorship needed to deliver against our ambitions for an accessible, inclusive and sustainable centre for the people.

"Thank you for being part of this journey with us and for helping us create a better Trinity for everyone."

Trinity Community Arts is a registered charity number 1144770

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