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by sarah — last modified 19/06/2020 10:19 AM

Power to Change Award Emergency Funding

by sarah — last modified 19/06/2020 10:19 AM
Power to Change Award Emergency Funding

Trinity Centre Bristol


"What a beautiful venue, full to the brim with amazing work and gorgeous outreach programmes and artistic development opportunities. I'm really hoping to spend more time there once things have calmed down" Audience Feedback June 2020


Trinity have been awarded funding of £28,677 through Power to Change's £12 million emergency support package.

Power to Change support community led businesses, giving places and people more control over shaping their communities. The grant will contribute towards Trinity’s core costs following the ceasing of trading in March 2020, due to lockdown measures. These costs are usually covered by revenue generated from hires, bar sales and our pay and display car park.

The emergency grant follows funding from Power to Change to improve our ability to support communities in running grassroots activity through the Community Kickstart project, as well as enabling us to increase capacity for community hire through the Trinity Digs project.

Trinity is both a community asset and a community and cultural hub. Free and subsided hire allow community groups and residents to deliver their own activity and organise community led meetings and events.  Provision to support those struggling with mental health or social isolation is offered through project activity including our Community Garden and Youth Music project.

We are hugely grateful to the funders who have contributed emergency funds to help us bridge the gap in our funding, created by a loss of trading activity. This support means we can continue to deliver activities for the many communities connected to Trinity. As a Localis report on the sector recently outlined, this crisis has threatened the existence of community assets and has also shown just how significant they are to society in these most challenging times.

“We are delighted Trinity Centre has supported Full Circle youth services by giving us the nature packs to give out to our most vulnerable families and young people. We are also looking forward to deepening our connection with Trinity to benefit the families and young in Bristol”

Judith Davis, Youth Development Manager, Full Circle Youth Centre @ Docklands, June 2020

We know now more than ever, we need opportunities to take part, connect and celebrate. During lockdown we have worked to offer communities the opportunity to access cultural and community activity. This includes supporting groups and individuals to take Community Kickstart activity online through our Trinity Presents Programme. We have also been working with local organisations and schools to distribute activity packs to families - with more planned to reach others who maybe experiencing social isolation due to Covid-19. You can find out more about this activity and how we are reaching communities during lockdown here. Tutors from Making Tracks project have been working to support young people access music making provision through video sessions.

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