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by sarah — last modified 16/03/2020 10:06 PM

Trinity Statement: Covid-19

by sarah — last modified 16/03/2020 10:06 PM
Trinity Statement: Covid-19

Trinity's Statement: Covid-19

Please note: this statement was issued prior to the Prime Minister's latest statement on 16/03/2020. We are working as a team to respond to this latest information and keep everyone updated - click here for the latest information available on our website.

The health and safety of the people using the Trinity Centre is our top priority. At present we remain open, but are reviewing this regularly. We are working with hirers and promoters on a case by case basis and taking steps to postpone and reschedule events. We will update everyone via our mailing list and social media channels, as well as providing a list of any cancelled or postponed events on our website.

To ensure continued activity at the Centre is conducted as safely as possible:

  • We recommend Centre users use the hand sanitiser provided at Reception on arrival and exit. You can wash your hands with soap and water in the toilets.

  • Common areas are regularly cleaned and sanitised by staff, including surfaces that are regularly touched such as door handles, accessible door button, and lift buttons.

  • People involved in serving refreshments should take particular care to ensure hands are washed with antibacterial soap/gel and Centre users should use paper disposable cups.

  • Centre users should suspend handshaking, hugging or other direct physical contact that are part of a greeting or activity.

We will continue to closely monitor Public Health England guidelines in relation to the Covid-19 situation, in order to respond as necessary and will keep people updated with the latest information available on our website. We reserve the right to act in accordance with our organisational assessment of risk and may therefore feel it is advisable to take additional measures where appropriate that, whilst may not proscribed as part of national guidance, may be identified by us as necessary in order to safeguard our people and our charity.

As a community Centre, Trinity is giving particular attention and consideration to the needs of high risk groups such as Older People, rough sleepers and people who may be immunocompromised. This includes: people with a respiratory condition such as asthma, those have a long term health condition, those who are in recovery from surgery and those receiving treatment for a life threatening illness.

We are liaising with our user groups and risk-assessing their activities. Our risk assessments will be updated in accordance with official government guidance. We will take additional steps where necessary and in consensus with our users. Any decision taken to suspend a group or activity will be made with the explicit involvement of those affected.

It is likely that, as the situation escalates, we may have to advise the majority of our users not come to the Centre. However, as part of our duty of care to the most vulnerable, we aim to continue to provide low-risk activities where possible, to support the most vulnerable members of our community.

We want to protect vulnerable people. This means balancing stopping activities to reduce infection alongside taking care to avoid pushing those most vulnerable into extended periods of isolation, for which they may not be prepared and which may have a detrimental impact on their mental and physical health. We are liaising with our community partners to develop a plan to provide low-risk support activities and exploring options for the redeployment of casual staff in order to maintain sufficient capacity to ensure Trinity can remain an open door for as long as possible for those who need us most.

Now more than ever we need to build our sense of what it means to be part of a community. Let's come together, in the ways we still can, look out for each other and keep each other safe.

Team Trinity - 2pm 16/03/2020

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