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by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 25/09/2014 12:19 PM

Poster design competition

by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 25/09/2014 12:19 PM
Poster design competition

Last year's flyer desgn winner, Hayley Wells

All you have to do is follow the straightforward instructions below and make sure your original design reaches us by Friday 17 October to be in with a chance of having your creation feature as a fold-out poster inside a new Trinity leaflet.

The theme for this competition is TRINITY COOL.

Trinity is a unique community arts space and amazing independent live music venue so we're looking for an artistic design that will inspire others. We want to use our flyers and leaflets as a platform for aspiring artists.

The winning design will feature as a fold-out poster inside a new printed Trinity leaflet (5000 copies) distributed at our gigs. If you win, you will also receive two complimentary tickets to an upcoming gig of your choice*

Technical info

  • Design theme: Trinity Cool
  • Poster size: A4

  • Dimensions: 210mm x 297mm + 3mm bleed each side (Design can be portrait or landscape)

  • Resolution: 300dpi

  • Colour model: CMYK

  • Format: Tiff/Jpeg

What's next?

Design your image by print, or by hand and scan in, and email to with the subject heading Trinity Poster Design

Be sure to include your details**:

  • Artist name

  • Artist website

  • Artist email

We will be running our design competitions throughout the year so please keep an eye on our website with regards to future competitions.


*Subject to availability

**We will feature the winner's contact details on the poster – please let us know if you do not wish to do this

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