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2013 round-up

by <object object at 0x7f3279989580> last modified 12/09/2022 12:59 PM
2013 round-up

Image from our 2013 citywide performance 'The Ithaca Axis'

Key Achievements

  • TCA was awarded the VISIBLE accreditation certificate by Community Matters in recognition of our service to the community.

  • Successfully completed our roof repair project with funding support from English Heritage, Pilgrim Trust and Biffa Award

  • Delivered a training programme for 16-18 year olds in activities including Music, Photography and Graffiti, in partnership with the City of Bristol College

  • Secured a new contract to deliver youth training provision in partnership with Weston College for 2014

  • Delivered a Youth Music project with open music sessions for young people aged 13-21

  • Delivered a community garden project, including a Women and Children's drop-in on Wednesdays as well as free gardening sessions on Thursdays with groups of vulnerable adults from Rethink and Second Step

  • Completed works to our outdoor community kitchen and installed a new children's play area thanks to funding from Veolia Environmental Trust, promoting natural interactive play

  • Completed our Arts Council funded Bridges Project, which culminated in a citywide site-specific performance The Ithaca Axis, featuring both professional actors and community ensemble

  • Held our annual free garden party and fireworks parties attracting audiences from across the community

  • Delivered the Digital Activism project for young people aged 18-25 to develop experience in the creative industries in partnership with Knowle West Media Centre and Ujima Radio

  • Delivered a new youth Tank Theatre project with support from Ernest Cook Trust for young people aged 15-26 to take part in weekly acting workshops leading up to a final performance M.C.Beth at the Trinity Centre at the end of August

  • Secured Awards for All funding for the Activate West Side Project at Arts West Side and have appointed a new Volunteer Coordinator for the project at the end of the year

  • Secured Heritage Lottery funding for a new 18mth long project, Vice & Virtue about the history of Old Market High Street, 2013-2015

  • Delivered a capital improvement project to the Centre, funded by Big Lottery Fund and Ibstock Cory Environmental Trust, to renovate the upstairs hall space and grounds

  • Participating in the new Creative Employment Programme, providing paid internships for young people aged 18-24 within Trinity

  • Supported numerous groups with free/subsidised hall space. See Annual Report for details.

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