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by <object object at 0x7f3279989580> last modified 17/02/2012 12:52 PM

Happy Birthday to us!

by <object object at 0x7f3279989580> last modified 17/02/2012 12:52 PM
Happy Birthday to us!

The ol' girl doesn't look bad for an 180 year-old!

2012 is an exciting year for Trinity as it marks our first year as a registered charity, our 4th year as a Key Arts Provider for Bristol and the 180th birthday of the Trinity Centre.

The Trinity Centre, formerly the Holy Trinity Church, was opened on 17 February 1832 by the Bishop of Bristol. The former Holy Trinity Church, is now a vibrant hub for all communities and faiths today.

To mark this epic milestone, we have plans for lots of FREE celebration events throughout the year. Our annual Garden Party, Sun 13 May will be jam-packed with bands and lots of activities, arts and crafts and fun for the whole family.

On Sat 30 June we will be working with the Old Market Community Association as part of a local arts festival. We will provide a 'Faux-Glasto' from the Trinity grounds, with lots of festival-themed frivolities such as flag making, welly-wanging, music and games.

On Sat 28 July we will be hosting the fabulous 'Bristolympics', with our partners in crime, The Love of It. We will provide a day of alternative games and sporting activities with a twist, so please come and join in the creative fun!

More details to come soon on the Events area of our website.

We are also planning to launch a commemorative T-Shirt which we will make available for purchase online and during our events. If you have a particular interest in our history and heritage, we have a book which encapsulates just some of Trinity's past - "The Trinity Centre - Culture and Change in Urban Bristol" which was produced as part of our Heritage Lottery Funded project, What's Your Trinity Story?

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