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by <object object at 0x7f3279989580> last modified 21/01/2015 04:03 PM

2011 round-up

by <object object at 0x7f3279989580> last modified 21/01/2015 04:03 PM
2011 round-up

Wedding 2011

I am delighted to report that Trinity is in good shape and is ready to build on its many strengths in the coming year. This very positive position is of course due to the hard work of Emma and all our staff, of all our invaluable volunteers and our Directors. Thanks to all of you and, especially, to our outgoing chair Geoff Day, who stepped down partway through 2011.

During 2011 a number of additional Directors were recruited in order to strengthen the governance of the organisation. The enlarged Board is busy settling in and has recently held two “away days” in order to assess how best to operate in order to serve Trinity.

One long awaited success has been gaining charitable status for Trinity. This is important because it will enable us to access a wider range of potential funds and to achieve greater financial stability. As part of this initiative we have set up a trading company to operate our non charitable activities, with all surpluses gifted to the charity.

For the first time we have been awarded a grant from the Arts Council - £65,000 for the Bridges Project - an important recognition of the high quality work being delivered at Trinity. The Bridges project will provide a programme of accessible arts workshops using spoken word, creative writing, performing and visual arts, to draw out personal stories of local people and to use the arts to build bridges between communities and celebrate the rich cultural diversity of inner-city Bristol.

We are working very closely with English Heritage as part of ongoing repairs to the roof, assisted by project management skills from Bristol City Council. The Council have also committed to a 35 year lease through their Community Asset Transfer Policy. We are very grateful for the assistance of all our partners.

Our newest venture in West Street is nearly ready to be launched, with building works almost complete and enthusiastic volunteers exploring how best to use all the new facilities.

This is a very exciting time to be involved with Trinity. I’m delighted to be able to report positive progress on so many fronts. I look forward to even more progress in 2012 and in subsequent years.

Check out our Annual Report for more information.

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