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2010 round-up

by <object object at 0x7f385e93b580> last modified 21/01/2015 04:03 PM
2010 round-up

Awaz Utoah weekly support group, 2010

I hope that all members will agree that Trinity has had a very successful 2010. This Annual Report gives details of the activities that have been taking place at the Trinity Centre over the last year. Our thanks go to our committed staff, volunteers and members who supported in the delivery of these services. The Directors feel that 2010 provided a period of stability after the past challenges experienced by Trinity. We do not think that we have got everything right yet, but we hope the members will agree that we are moving in the right direction.

At last year's AGM we adopted new articles, which now enable us to carry out our work with a clearer understanding of our position and legality. There were some concerns expressed in certain areas and following a period of further consultation we will be presenting a refined version of the articles for approval at the 2010 AGM. We believe this will address the issues raised and ensure our constitution is a true reflection of our shared mission and values. We have been working with the Cooperative Assistance Network, CommunityMatters and the Business Development team from the Communitybuilders Fund, who have all helped us in 2010 with the ongoing development of the organisation.

We have been working with Bristol City Council in the negotiation of a longer lease for the Trinity Centre, to secure the future of this building for the community. Bristol City Council have now implemented a Community Asset Transfer Policy, which will help to advance this process and we are hopeful to achieve a positive outcome in 2011. We have also applied for Charitable status and are receiving support in order to ensure this application will be successfully concluded in the near future.

I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the members to thank the Board of Directors and our Company Secretary Simon Hewes and the team at Bond Pearce – all of whom have given a huge amount of time voluntarily, and have received no payment for their services, either directly or in the way of expenses.

Throughout the year we have been working to identify how best we can widen participation through our membership. We have held several consultation sessions and are keen to work with local people and Centre users to assure the needs of our communities are reflected and influence the future development of Trinity.

We have received considerable grant support from a variety of funders to deliver projects, training and improve the building. Future applications are in hand, which will hopefully yield further development. The directors and staff feel that we are now in a strong position to move forward and further develop and improve the scope and range of activities taking place at Trinity.

Check out our Annual Report for more information.

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