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2009 round-up

by <object object at 0x7f385e93b580> last modified 21/01/2015 04:04 PM
2009 round-up

Garden party 2009

2009 was truly a year of transition for Trinity.

Anyone familiar with team training might have heard of Bruce Tuckman's four stage “forming, storming, norming, performing” development model. With this in mind, it is fair to say that the organisation experienced its share of storming throughout the year.

Though it was difficult and sometimes painful, the team maintained their focus. In spite of the trials faced, we were able to deliver a range of events and activities and continue to sustain and develop the Trinity Centre as a community hub.

We welcomed a new board bringing with them a range of business skills, community knowledge and expertise, which will be particularly important as we grow and expand.

In addition, we welcomed Centre Administrators Rhiannon Jones and Karina Castro, Outreach Worker Edson Burton, Research Assistant Annie Berrie and five young people who will be taking on part-time roles as part of the Future Jobs Fund.

We were also inundated with many dedicated, hard working and highly skilled volunteers, who have helped us increase our capacity to deliver our services.

With minimal resources, we have continued to make improvements and renovations to the facilities. We would like to give a special thanks to all our volunteers from Leyhill HMP who have worked with us throughout the year, helping us with a range of facilities jobs, including redecorating the main hall space and building an additional training room upstairs.

We were also supported by volunteer teams from KPMG and Deloitte, who visited us in the summer and helped us overhaul our garden as well as several other large jobs that could not have tackled without their help.

We would like to thank TLT Solicitors and Graham Partridge at Avon & Bristol Law Centre, who have given us their support and advice throughout the year. Our successes could not have been possible without the ongoing support given to us by the Simon Hewes and the team at Bond Pearce, so a big thank you to them for all their efforts in the face of some huge challenges. Thanks also to the ongoing support from Transparency Life Coaching, who have helped us with management and communication coaching.

There is, now more than ever, such strong commitment and unity amongst the team and clarity of vision that we are set to hit the ground running in 2010. Thanks to all who persevered through all that was thrown at us to keep Trinity thriving.

Check out our Annual Report for more information.

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