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by <object object at 0x7fb93c4d2580> last modified 14/02/2010 06:05 PM

Quartet to fund new "Respect" project

by <object object at 0x7fb93c4d2580> last modified 14/02/2010 06:05 PM
Quartet to fund new "Respect" project

Image from the first Respect project, March 2008

Trinity Community Arts has been awarded several small grants from the Quartet Community Foundation. The most recent grant of £2,000 through the Fund for Older People, will allow us to run "Respect" again from September 2008.

The last project (pictured) saw a group of 30 young and older people come together to create a mosaic sculpture for the Trinity Gardens.

In March 2008, a group of young people from a range of ethic and cultural backgrounds studying English at the Bristol Academy worked with groups of Elders from Upper Horfield Community Trust, The Golden Ages from Easton Church and local residents from Knightstone Housing Association and the St Pauls area.

These unique workshops are designed to provide a safe space for two generations to meet, share experiences and create artwork together.

Local artist Victoria Appleton who will be delivering the next programme of workshops said; “We are looking at the role of Elders in other societies and in the UK, exploring beliefs and concerns about older and young people.”

If you are interested in taking part, or for more information please contact us at:


To view more images from the last "Respect" project, please see:

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