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by <object object at 0x7f385e93b580> last modified 27/01/2011 10:49 AM

Lots of people face a very frustrating catch 22 situation where they have little work experience, but can't get their first job in order to gain the experience needed. Even after this investment, there are still no guarantees. It is a combination of factors, not just your experience that will get you a job. Make it part of your ongoing mission to developing the areas you feel are weakest – everyone will have areas for development. Think about the following:

  • You are special - Recognise that you are unique and all your skills and talents are transferable.

  • Sell yourself - Learn how to market your experience - you have more to offer than you think.

  • Transferable skills - Think about things you have to offer, but take for granted - are you punctual, reliable, enthusiastic, committed – and how to give examples of these.

  • Assess your values - Was there a project you really enjoyed working on? What did you find most satisfying about the work that you did? Starting to understand what you value about your own work so that others will value you.

  • Don't get bitter - There is a reason why employers ask for certain experience - they are putting their money on the line. If you were an employer, wouldn't you want to see a proven track record so you could be as sure as possible that that person you're about to employ has both the skills and the confidence to deliver?
  • Up-skill - Develop your skills and experience through a course, workshop, volunteering or an intern-ship.

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