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by <object object at 0x7f385e93b580> last modified 27/01/2011 11:33 AM

Measures of a person's class include heritage, tradition, affluence, education, source of wealth, property, networks, industry, status, locality, accent, vocabulary, appearance. The British society has often been considered to be divided into these groups of classes:

  • Upper Class - Often people with inherited wealth. Includes some of the oldest families, with many of them being titled aristocrats, owning estates and historical land ownership.

  • Middle Class - The majority of the population of Britain - They include industrialists, professionals, business people and shop owners (often split into lower and upper middle class).

  • Working Class - People who are agricultural, mine, factory workers, labourers.

  • 'Lower' Classes - unemployed and financially disadvantaged.


Points for consideration:


  • Opportunity knocks - People from a higher class will have access to a range of opportunities presented to them by their education and networks that will not be as readily available to someone of a lower class. Don't let this knock your confidence or you may miss your own opportunity when it arises.

  • Get busy - It is important to understand that, if you come from a working class background, you will have to work harder and smarter to get to where you want to be.

  • You're experienced - Remember that you will also have a huge amount of life experience that someone from a more privileged background may not have.

  • Build links - Spend some time developing networks in career areas that are important to you – lots of industries consist of companies and individuals that are known to one another. Taking a bottom rung job and doing it to the best of your abilities will eventually get you the recognition you deserve.

  • You will be judged - Be aware that people even in today's society people may still may judgements about you based on your background – don't allow yourself to become bitter and cynical - rise above it. Don't let anyone else's prejudices get in the way of you achieving what you want out of life.

  • Compromise is ok - You may find that you have to be willing to compromise some aspect of yourself in order to get a particular job or career that is important to you i.e. some roles require you to change what you wear or remove or cover jewellery or body art. Never lose who you are, but don't avoid a little compromise to get where it is you want to be. Remember though, it's up to you...

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