You are here: Home / About us / Job Vacancies / Getting that job / Interviews / Example Questions / Why did you apply for this role?
by <object object at 0x7f3279989580> last modified 27/01/2011 03:29 PM
  • Your answer will reveal the amount of homework you have done before the interview – use your initiative to find out as much as you can about the organisation and cite ways in which you have gone about finding out this information. The employer will not be looking for you to know everything about the company, but to have enough interest to have researched and learnt something about it.

  • Talk about your skills, interests and knowledge from previous work that you would bring to the role and how your previous jobs have led you to apply for this.

  • You may want to focus more closely on the specific duties outlined in the job description and why you would enjoy doing them.

  • Try not to focus on what you will get from the organisation, but the qualities you will bring to them.

  • Never say that you only applied because the job centre made you or because you've been applying for hundreds of jobs.
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