You are here: Home / About us / Job Vacancies / Getting that job / Interviews / Example Questions / What are your major strengths and weaknesses?
by <object object at 0x7f3279989580> last modified 27/01/2011 03:26 PM
  • Once again the employer is seeking to ascertain how mature you are and your awareness of yourself as a person.

  • They are looking for you to be able to self-assess and recognise your own successes as well as areas you need to work on.
  • If you have read the job description, you may find it useful to focus on where you see your strengths and weaknesses in relation to the tasks listed.

  • Remember weaknesses can be turned into strengths, i.e. taking time to make decisions may slow you down, but on the other hand you are not impulsive.

  • Talk about the strategies you use for dealing with that weakness - what steps have you put in place to manage yourself?
  • You may have to admit that you do not have a particular type of experience called for, however you may be able to give evidence of your ability to learn quickly and develop the necessary skills required.

  • Listing too many weaknesses will type you as very negative - don't go overboard, make sure examples are counterbalanced with more pluses then minuses.

  • The worst answer to this question is saying you have no weaknesses - this is an immature answer and will leave the interviewer thinking you are arrogant, unable to self-assess or that you will require a lot of managing.
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