You are here: Home / About us / Job Vacancies / Getting that job / Interviews / Example Questions / Do you have any questions for us?
by <object object at 0x7f6e0c78f580> last modified 27/01/2011 03:26 PM
  • This question is designed to show the employer your interest in the organisation and position and also your ability to communicate and have dialogue with others.

  • It is also important for you, so that you can find out as much as possible about what the job is really like and more specific information about the organisation.

  • This is not the time to ask about pay, holidays, lunch breaks – these are questions to be saved for when you actually have the job.

  • This is a good time to ask the employer what skills they consider to be the most critical for the position, and whether they see a gap in the skills you have to offer and what training might be available.

  • You can ask about the team that you will be working with, what a typical work day might look like for you, what projects are currently being worked on or what new projects are in the pipeline and how they see the company developing.

  • Make sure you also concentrate on the answers being given, as this may lead to other questions to ask. If you just ask a question for the sake of it then glaze over when the interviewer gives a response, they will see from your body language you are not really interested in the company.


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