You are here: Home / About us / Job Vacancies / Getting that job / Applications vs CVs / Tips for completing an application form
by <object object at 0x7f3279989580> last modified 27/01/2011 01:24 PM
  • Read the job description and person specification*

  • Reference each criteria point listed in the person specification - essentials and desirables

  • Give clear, specific examples of how you meet each criteria

  • Explain why your experience is relevant to the job description provided
  • Use your CV as a starting point to give examples of your work and relevant skills

  • Be creative in order to enhance your strengths and talk about transferable skills, but don't lie

  • Be neat, thorough and professional – avoid spelling errors, slang words or grammar mistakes

  • Contact the organisation and speak to them if there is anything you are unclear of

*It is surprising just how many people apply for jobs having not read the job description and person specification - and it is glaringly obvious to any employer which applicants haven't done their homework. If you were an employer, would you give an interview to someone who doesn't show they know what they're applying to do?

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