You are here: Home / About us / Job Vacancies / Getting that job / Applications vs CVs / Example Criteria / Work on own and as part of team
by <object object at 0x7fb93c4d2580> last modified 27/01/2011 02:34 PM
  • 0-1 point: I am able to work on my own and as part of a team.

  • 2-3 points: I am able to work on my own and as part of a team. I regularly have to work unsupervised and off my own initiative on work projects as well as with others to deliver projects and events.

  • 4-5 points: I am able to work on my own and as part of a team. I regularly have to work unsupervised and off my own initiative on work projects as well as with others to deliver projects and events. I have, off my own initiative, developed several projects including developing and implementing key policies in the running of the Centre. I work well with others, and have a proven track record of delivering arts and heritage community projects alongside a team of creative professionals and youth workers at Trinity.

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