You are here: Home / About us / Job Vacancies / Getting that job / Applications vs CVs / Example Criteria / Good communication skills
by <object object at 0x7f3279989580> last modified 27/01/2011 02:33 PM
  • 0-1 point: I have good communication skills.

  • 2-3 points: I have good communication skills as I regularly answer the telephone in my job and take general enquiries in my current role. I am able to communicate with a diverse range of people both the phone and face to face.

  • 4-5 points: I have good communication skills as I regularly answer the telephone in my job and take general enquiries in my current role. I am able to communicate with a diverse range of people both the phone and face to face. Working for a community centre, I am accustomed at working with very diverse communities, with a range of languages, cultures and sensitivities. I am to adapting my style of communication in order to make those I am dealing with feel at ease and understood.

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